Do you have musical talent that you would like to share? Join one of our music ministries at Good Shepherd. If you are unable to join any of the groups below but are still interested in sharing your talent, there are many opportunities for soloists, instrumentalists, and ensembles. Please contact Pastor Jon or the church office for more information.
Song Leaders
Song Leaders lead the hymns during worship services each week. Hymns will be sent to song leaders prior to Sunday so they can rehearse on their own.
Worship Choir
Men and women are encouraged to join. Practices are held on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the church balcony from September through May. The choir sings during worship once a month (as well as on holidays). Don't worry if you aren't a professional. This group just likes making a joyful noise to the Lord!
Contemporary Singers
Contemporary Singers lead music during our contemporary services typically held on the third Sunday of the month. Sign-up will be sent via email a week or two prior. Rehearsal is usually held on the Monday or Tuesday evening prior to the service.
Do you play the organ, piano, or guitar? We are always looking for talented individuals to play during our services.