At Good Shepherd, we've taken a different approach to our Christian education programming. We want our families to be worshipping together on Sunday mornings but also understand that families are busy. We have grouped all of our learning time together on one evening during the week and added the convenience of enjoying a meal as a family. WOW is a well-balanced program that encompasses discipleship, fellowship, worship, service, and sharing the Word of God with others.

Our schedule begins with devotions, followed by a meal, breakout instruction for all ages, and concludes with prayer. During Lent and Advent, we have our instruction time first followed by the meal in order to include those coming for worship at 6:30 pm.

WOW has groups for Preschool & Kindergarten, grades 1-4, Confirmation for grades 5-8, and intermittent studies for adults & families. We welcome all of our members as well as any non-members from the community to join us for WOW on Wednesdays.

Devotions begin at 5 pm and we end the evening with prayers at 6:50 pm.

If you have questions regarding the WOW program, please reach out to our DIrector of Christian Education,

Ted Stroming at dce@gslcglencoe.org or (320) 583-8240.